DeskLot Support

Support Article 31


When publishing with the Publish ASP/MS-Access Internet Inventory method under the Data Transfer menu you get the following error:

DeskLot error at location 149. Error code -2147467259 - The Microsoft jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.


This problem has been resolved in DeskLot version 3.0.4 and later. Use Check for Updates under the Web menu within DeskLot or if you are running a very old version of DeskLot, download the latest full install via the Download link at As a precaution, back up your DeskLot files prior to doing a reinstall. When installing over a version of DeskLot older than 3.0, you may need to do a uninstall and then install fresh. Your data files should stay in tact but do a backup just in case. Always a good idea.
